Tuesday, October 16, 2012

“Missionaries are never boring!

We had the opportunity this past week to have our Zone Conference with our mission President and his wife. Which means all the elders come in from there area's including outer islands. They were all very busy planning the meeting, getting interviews, doing laundry, getting shopping for the next couple of weeks. It is also a time to build comradery with one another. How we treat those closest to us is of fundamental importance. But. . . when young elders get together and they can relax for a minute that is when we get the camera's out. We feel they are the best pictures and really show the personalities of each one.
The Chuuk Zone
They are obedient and faithful missionaries, and the work here progresses. We are confident that an even greater harvest will be achieved as our righteous, committed missionaries fulfill the Savior’s commandment to preach His gospel. Our greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel.

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