From the beginning of our mission and at every zone conference our mission president tells us to, "open your mouth and teach"
Disciples of Jesus Christ have always been under the obligation to take His gospel to the world (see Mark 16:15–16).
Are we not all disciples of Jesus Christ whether we have a badge on our shirt or not?
Nevertheless, sometimes it is difficult to open our mouths and speak about our faith to those around us. While some members of the Church have a natural gift for talking to others about religion, others are a little hesitant or may feel awkward, embarrassed, or even fearful of doing so.
We went outside to do some role play and the zone leaders had each senior playing a certain person. It was the first time for many of them doing it and they were nervous. But it really does help them and the more they do it the better they get.
Statics for the past year ~ 2012 baptisms were 398, 396 confirmed.
That is the most baptisms ever recorded in one year in this mission.
Goal for 2013 is 500 that is 102 more than last year.
When President Mecham came out we had 60 missionaries in the mission. That was increased to 70 by June and then it dropped down to 52 for a short time. The compliment has now been increased to 102 this year. Currently we have 12 sisters and the compliment will be increasing to 28. We feel this is partly due to the missionaries opening there mouth and teaching and also because of the changes for those who can serve missions women at age 19 and men at 18. Our Heavenly Father is aware of our needs. He guides us and directs us and as He hears and answers our prayers.
By April we will have 10 young people on missions from Chuuk State.
These pictures are after the role play ~ as you can tell they all survived the stress and now they are all posing for the repicturator. We think we got some really great shots for it, right?
Elders Vehikite and Elder Huppe
"Dude really! What are you doing?" |
Elders Sealander, Jones, Allen, and Allred
"Take it down pwipwi's, this is one crazy rap". |
Elder Bowers and Elder Peck "Bond James Bond" |
Elders Walters, Johnson and Pita
"thank you, thank you, let's move on -
I passed with flying colors". |
Elders Pita, Rainey, Allen and Sealander
"Bring it in kewe pwipwi" |
All the elders love the camera and they are not shy. At least we have never meet a shy one. They know we will be blogging and getting pictures out to mom, dad and everyone else, so ham it up guys!
Elders Rainey, Huppe and Vehikite
"Yup, were cool and we know it" |
They have such a wonderful bond with one another ~ Chuuk elders are always incredibly strong and loyal. If your son is serving here in Chuuk state, we want you to know the brotherhood will always take care of him. What they have is a bond that will be with them forever! Look at them faces are they full of LOVE or what!