This is a small part of our Primary in the Mwan Branch. When I decided to seperate the smaller children from the older ones, I did not realize how difficult it was going to be to teach with the language differences. The children here are some of the very best kids in the world. They don't fuss or fight and they like to learn. They really love to sing the songs.
A child can do the things which nourish the faith of others. Every word we speak can strengthen or weaken faith. We need help from the Spirit to speak the words which will nourish and strengthen them. The Lords work here is evident in our different callings and challenges. We are grateful for his patience and that is what our young people need from us.
Here is a chart of many of the Mwan branch Primary children. We have been teaching them to sing "I am a Child of God" in English. The song in Chuukese is also very beautiful, so they will be singing it in both languages for President Ringwood when he comes for our District conference this fall.
We are organizing them to sing "I am a Child of God" in English.
Part of the Mwan Primary with teacher "super woman" Sister Albert on the left and on the right is Sister Ewar who knows pretty good English so I have recruited her to help with this project.
We know that Jesus is the Christ. We know that He lives. And we know that He leads us in this work—His work—to bring to pass the eternal life of His Father’s children. He knows each of us and love us. We are all Children of God.
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