Welcome Home President and Sister Mecham. We are happy to see them but know how sad it is to leave the people you have grown to love in the MGM mission. Sister Mecham gave her report first. She told us a story of a lady named Francisca and how staying the course is so important. She said that Fransica was taking the missionary discussions but when it came time for baptism the missionaries told her she needed to either get married or move out from her common law spouse. Her common law spouse wanted nothing to do with the gospel. He also couldn't see the importance of marriage which is common practice on the islands. So she decided to move out, doing so she had to leave the kids. Which is also custom, the father and his family get the kids. She felt it was going to be very hard but she knew if she stayed the course and have faith, that everything would work out. She continued to get prepared to be baptized. This lady had a lot of faith. One day she found out that her husbands sisters, who were caring for the kids had also taken missionary lessons and was baptized on the other side of the island. Wow! Faith and Staying the Course is key.

President and Sister Mecham's Homecoming

President Mecham spoke next. He challenged all missionaries to continue to read the Book of Mormon and told us that if we were obedient to the teachings and revelations we would experience miracles every day whether we were on our missions or at home. God is good, Obedience brings blessings, Strict obedience brings miracles! Senior missionaries are a great help. Currently 16 missionaries are serving a mission from Micronesia. Every child is important. Gods children in the tiny islands in the middle of the Pacific are important. The church is true. Heavenly Father is involved in the details
We need the gospel now more that ever in order to have true happiness. In Isaiah 29 it reads of a marvelous work and a wonder. The Book of Mormon is the foundation for restoration.
1 Nephi 14:30. He went on to say you have to be bold in teaching and sharing the gospel. He said that these amazing missionaries are disturbers and an annoyance to Satans plan of misery. To Gods plan plan of happiness. Simple things extraordinary results.
He explained how he asked the elders to invite everyone to be baptized in the first lesson. He said everyone needs the blessing of the gospel now, no reason to wait. Hasten the work was the mission theme. During March to June 2013 the missionary force doubled. Behind every number is a face, a child of God that needs the gospel now. Currently, 221 missionaries and 30 couples are serving MGM. He said he saw many, many miracles, had great spirit prompts and knew he needed to act promptly and quickly. The Spirit is powerful. 18-19 year old missionaries are goofy kids, but powerful teachers.
He told us all to Jump and you will soar. Let it go, exercise faith. Our duty is to invite, don't be impolite, invite. Get uncomfortable. This is the true church of Jesus Christ. It would be great to hear from them once a month to keep us motivated. We truly enjoyed serving with this beautiful couple and love them with all our hearts. It has been a true blessing in our lifes.
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